Friday, January 18, 2008

Every year tens of thousands of people are hurt or killed as a result of talking on their cell phone while driving or being hit by someone also talking on their cell phone. People driving while on their cell phones cannot pay the needed attention to the road which increases the amount of people getting hurt

No matter how good a driver you think you are, the chance of you getting in an accident while talking on your cell phone are as high as after a night at the bar.

Not talking on your cell phone while driving frees up your attention allowing you to pay attention to the road and be more mindful of oncoming dangers and risks which gives you a much better chance of avoiding them.

A simple fix is to simply turn off your cell phones while driving. Because what is more painful? Living for 20 minutes with a turned off cell phone or living for the rest of your life with a type of paralysis or other serious injury.
And if you can't bear to turn off your cellphone simply pull off the side of the road into one of the designated pull over lanes and take whatever call is coming in or make whatever call you need to make. Then when you are finished, resume driving.

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